

艺术与设计学院提供四年制课程, 美术学士(BFA)学位的专业学位课程. 独特的课程设置, 哪一种结合了每个学年学习的专门方法, is recognized for its innovation in emphasizing disciplinary depth and interdisciplinary opportunities. 在这里,你将在最先进的设施中工作, 在大四的时候,你会有自己的工作室, and you will enjoy the benefits of entering a partially state funded art program in a private university setting.








Students who enroll in the 艺术与设计学院 must complete the requirements listed below to receive the BFA degree:

  • Studio - 72
  • 学术要求- 25
  • 艺术史- 17
  • 选修课- 14
  • 高级项目- 0
  • 总学时- 128


大学全球视角要求. The University Global Perspective required credits could be taken within the required academic and/or 艺术历史 requirements.

大学体育教学要求. The University Physical Education Requirement brings the total number of credits to graduate to 132. 注:额外的体育活动学分(100级博士, EQUS)不能用于任何学位要求.


Students who enroll in the 艺术与设计学院 must complete the requirements listed below to receive the BFA degree with an 艺术 Education 小.

*The 艺术 Education 小 is offered to BFA students through the Division of Education in the College of Liberal 艺术 and Sciences. The BFA requirements are adjusted as indicated below to account for the 艺术 Education 小 and Teaching Certification requirements:

  • 工作室- 68
  • 艺术史- 17
  • 文科核心- 19
  • 教育核心- 31
  • 高级项目- 0
  • 总学位学时- 135

The University Global Perspective required credits could be taken within the required academic and/or 艺术历史 requirements.

The University Physical Education Requirement brings the total number of credits to graduate to 132.

Academic 需求 and Electives (For BFA students taking the 小 in 艺术 Education, the Academic 需求 and Electives consists of the Liberal 艺术 Core 和 Education Core required of the 小 and to satisfy New York State Education Department guidelines for Teacher Certification. 有关辅修课程的更多信息,请参阅教育司.)

Foundations is a first-year course predicated on generating a rigorous studio practice through comprehensive teaching 哲学 that engages a broad range of questions, 跨越和超越艺术学科. 个别学生将自己的经验和技能带入同龄人的社区. 绘画是基础课程的重要组成部分.

除了第一年的基础课程之外, students complete 6 credits of art history by taking three 2-credit courses in non-western art, 古代到巴洛克艺术, 从现代到当代艺术. 一年级学生还要完成写作和人文学科的学术要求.

The sophomore curriculum is designed to enhance and further develop the studio experience of the Foundations year with the introduction to specific studio areas, 所有这些都支持“高科技”, “高品质”的办学理念. The curriculum encourages study of studio disciplines represented across each of four Divisions - Ceramic 艺术; Expanded Media; Painting, Drawing and Photography; and Sculpture/Dimensional Studies. 绘画是大二和大三课程的重要组成部分.

Sophomore students learn fundamental skills necessary in the development of an artistic practice. 这些包括理解的意识和能力, 使用和集成流程, 工具, 材料, 和词汇. 在这一年里,学生们选择了四个工作室, 每科一人, 或者选择三个部门的四个工作室. 这允许那些想要专注于特定媒介的人这样做, 同时让其他人有更多样化的工作室体验. Both options are meant to prepare students for the challenges of the junior and senior curriculum.

大二的艺术史要求, 当代艺术中的问题和争论, 为工作室体验提供了一个刺激和综合的环境. Students also extend the breath of their academic experience by choosing elective courses from other schools and colleges at Alfred University.

Students entering the junior year have the latitude to define their interests and creative goals. 学生自然会变得更加专注, integrating conceptual and technical skills while developing a personal vision in their art making. 在初级阶段, academic and elective course work fosters interest in cross-disciplinary practice and undergraduate research possibilities.

The junior year is also the time for students to take advantage of study abroad opportunities. The 艺术与设计学院 has several exchange programs including agreements with the University for the Creative 艺术 at Farnham, 英格兰, 爱丁堡艺术学院 在苏格兰, 科布伦茨应用科技大学 在德国,中国北京的中央美术学院,和 悉尼艺术学院新南威尔士大学 在澳大利亚. 这幅图, Painting and Photography Division offers a summer program through the Santa Reparata International 艺术学院 in Florence, 意大利.

Seniors work semi-independently in their own studio spaces and are required to meet weekly with two faculty advisors (instructors) to discuss their work, 研究与过程. 另外, 长者参加研讨会, 访问艺术家计划, 研讨, 讨论及展览. 确定自己的方向, seniors develop and produce a consistent body of work which draws on their individual experiences, 获得的技能和个人视野. BFA学位的高潮是 毕业论文展览.

在学年的最后两周, the 艺术与设计学院 is transformed into quality exhibition space where graduating seniors display their thesis work. The opening celebration of Senior Shows includes families and numerous guests from throughout Western New York State. 在开幕式之后, 学生们回到他们的展览空间,接受最后的评审和教师的批评. The momentum gained during the senior year prepares graduates to enter the work force as highly accomplished and motivated artists and designers.


Our BFA degree programs have two main objectives: to help students develop the commitment and skills necessary to pursue a career in art; and to prepare students for graduate work. 结果 for artists are very different than for other majors – “career success” can be defined as selling work, 在展览和画廊展出, 自由职业和许多其他活动.


  • 热玻璃讲师-康宁博物馆
  • 艺术协调员- MD制作
  • 内部设计和市场代表-资本印刷油墨
  • 蜡像工人-新艺术
  • 木材车间技术员-雄鹿岩
  • 馆长-白杨山大厦
  • 图片编辑- Totsy
  • 艺术家在驻地-塞勒姆艺术作品
  • 福克斯电视动画公司执行制片人助理
  • 珠宝艺术家-沃克金属匠
  • 风景画家-阿迪朗达克风景公司.
  • Color Consultant - Sephora; Home Goods
  • 生产经理- Lifetouch, Inc.
  • 画廊讲解员-韦恩县艺术联盟
  • 平面设计师- OfficeMax(公司总部)
  • 儿童配饰设计师-配饰网络集团
  • 大都会艺术博物馆珠宝复制部生产经理
  • 服装制作- Izquierdo工作室
  • 家具设计师/油漆工- MacKenzie Childs Ltd.
  • 鞋子设计师- MiuMiu (Prada)
  • 制造专家-谢德水族馆
  • Landscaper; 艺术ist - Watkins Garden Center; Greenhouse Gallery
  • 汽车雕刻家-北美通用汽车公司
  • 平面设计师-时代杂志


The BFA in the 艺术与设计学院 is often combined with double majors or minors in the following related programs:
